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Ambuja ciment Pvt.

CSR has been an integral part of Ambuja Cements Ltd. since inception. With an emphasis on a participatory approach, Ambuja Cements Limited established Ambuja Cement Foundation in the year 1993 as its CSR arm. The Foundation is also registered as a not-for-profit organization incorporated under section 8 of the Company Act 2013.
May 10, 2017· MUMBAI: Cement giant LafargeHolcim has initiated a process that could lead to the union of its Indian operations ACC and Ambuja Cement, following months of speculation that this could be happening. ACC is evaluating a potential merger with Ambuja Cement, both companies said on Friday. A meeting was held on Friday to evaluate the benefits of a merger.
Ambuja Cements was set up in 1986. In the last decade the company has grown tenfold. The total cement capacity of the company is 18.5 million tones. Its plants are some of the most efficient in the world. With environment protection measures that are on par with the finest in the developed world. The company's most distinctive
Milesontes: 1981 - The Company was Incorporated on 20th October, as Ambuja Cements Pvt. Ltd. It was jointly promoted by Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd. (GIIC) and N.S. Sekhsaria and his associates, Vinod K. Neotia and Suresh Mulani, for setting up a cement project in the joint sector. The Company was converted into a public ...
Our broad range consists of Ambuja Cement, which is an ideal building ingredient. Our company is authorized distributor of all kinds of cements produced by Ambuja Cement Limited. ... Baraka Constructions Pvt Ltd. Okhla, New Delhi Shop No 16-a, Ghafoor Nagar, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi - 110025, Delhi. Verified Supplier. Call +91-8048798154 ...
Ambuja Cements Ltd, a part of the global conglomerate LafargeHolcim, is one of the leading cement companies in the Indian cement industry. Operating for over 25 years, Ambuja has proved to be the best cement for construction and the best cement manufacturing company in India with its uniquely sustainable development projects.
Feb 27, 2018· MUMBAI: The long-due merger between the Swiss building materials maker LafargeHolcim’s Indian operations, Ambuja Cements and ACC Ltd, has been called off on Monday because of some “current constraints”. Both ACC and Ambuja notified the stock exchanges on the decision to put off the merger talks.
Ambuja Intermediates Limited, an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001: 2004 , Dyestuffs & Dye Intermediates Manufacturing Company in India since 1988, is now focused to provide wide range of specialty & performance chemicals to meet specific needs in the region of , Textile , Leather, Plastics, Paper, & Pharmaceutical Industries.
Shaan Cement Pvt Ltd - Manufacturer of acc cement, ambuja cement & ultratech cement in Rajkot, Gujarat. Nature of Business. Manufacturer. Legal Status of Firm. Limited Company (Ltd./Pvt.Ltd.) GST Number. 24AALCS3981J1ZW. Products & Services. Acc Cement. ACC Concrete Cement Xtra Strong. ACC F2r Superfast Cement.
It takes years to dream a home and many more to build your dream. Hence, it’s important only to use the best for your home. Features: Ambuja Plus Roof Special is a special quality PPC cement with advanced SPE technology.; It extracts of silicate gel from cement that helps in making the concrete stronger, denser and leak proof, resulting in strengthening of the roof.
Ambuja Cements Limited, formerly known as Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited, is an Indian major cement producing company. The Group's market cement and clinker for both domestic and export markets. Partnership. The company has entered into a strategic partnership with Holcim, the second largest cement manufacturer in the world from 2006. ...
May 21, 2020· Ambuja Cement Foundation. Established in 1993, Ambuja Cement Foundation is a grassroots pan-India implementing organisation that harnesses the power of partnerships –between communities, Government and other like-minded corporates and NGOs – to help solve pressing community problems and to foster prosperity.
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