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Micro broyage Zenit.
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Bagi, K. “On the definition of stress and strain in granular assemblies through the relation between micro- and macro-level characteristics.” Powders & Grains 93, Birmingham, UK, 117-121. Bagi, K. (1993). “A quasi-static numerical model for micro-level analysis of granular assemblies.” Mechanics of Materials, 16(1-2), 101-110. Bagi, K ...
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SOLOLIFT2 WC-1 GRUNDFOS lifting station collects wastewater from a toilet and one further sanitary appliance. Applications: SOLOLIFT2 collect wastewater of domestic sanitary appliances and pump the wastewater through a thin pressure pipe to the next pipe with downward slope, – up to a height of 6 meters or 100 meters in distance.
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ZENIT screen can separate the stuff of different size range. It is the most general means of size control in aggregates processing. Washing machine is a kind of cleaning equipment of international advanced level for sand and slag pellets, it is developed on the basis of introducing foreign outstanding technology of the same kind of products.
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