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Fired up a new project in Revit and opened the fabrication panel, settings, and found the folder in the configuration drop down. All good. Maybe you can expound on this a bit for me but it seems that if you are using an existing Revit project that has fabrication parts modeled from one database, you can't switch to a different database mid project.

What is Building 3D Content? Building 3D content () is an extensive database of 3D models, in the form of .ITM content, that can be used with Autodesk Fabrication products (CADmep, ESTmep, and CAMduct).The .ITM content can be searched, downloaded and then integrated into your Autodesk Fabrication software products.

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Nov 27, 2014· In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the design line functionality in Fabrication CADmep. Use the links below to skip to particular sections of the vide...

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In the Fabrication products, you can import or export all or just certain parts of a database. To import all or parts of a database: Do one of the following: In CADmep, at the command line type DBIMPORT and press Enter. In ESTmep and CAMduct, click File Import Database Import. Navigate to and select the desired database (*.iox) file to import, and click Open.

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Create fabrication-ready models of piping, plumbing, or ductwork systems in AutoCAD using CADmep. Your content libraries used in CADmep, ESTmep, and CAMduct may also be used in Revit to support a multi-discipline workflow. Available stand-alone or in the …

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Fabrication Part Duct Fitting in Revit won't connect to other Fabrication Parts by rklempau on ‎11-07-2019 01:13 AM Latest post 3 weeks ago by craigjonnson 2 Replies 80 Views

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