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Concasseur Machines Bo.
Through the introduction, digestion and innovation, thus makes the company's product always keeping the international advanced level. New type crusher (crawler type, rubber type mobile crushing plant), sand-making machine (5X sand-making machine), grinding mill (LM vertical mill, MTW European type grinding mill) etc, wins the high reputation in the overseas market and owns absolute market ...
L'invention a aussi pour objet un concasseur permettant le procédé.: The invention also relates to a crusher allowing to implement such method.: La présente invention se rapporte à un couteau de concasseur giratoire destiné à broyer des déchets de matériaux polymères.: The invention relates to a rotary crusher knife for breaking polymeric material wastes.
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CR – MINI JAW CRUSHER – CM CRUSHING MACHINES. Mini electric jaw crusher CR series is ideal for the recycling of aggregates from small demolitions excavations natural stones rock tiles scraps of marble reinforced concrete It can be easily moved thanks to its small dimensions It is produced in two models and requires only a 380 V power supply
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